Doughie Happenings – Croisants, Pizzas and Sourdough

Just a little doughies splurge of what's been happening - enjoy! Croissants Abs whipped up a batch of croissants [will add some pictures later!], freezing a block of croissant dough for another time. Timescale wise croissants work really nice with the sourdough routine [see below], as you can do a lot of the work in… Continue reading Doughie Happenings – Croisants, Pizzas and Sourdough

[Cancelled] Event 17/03/12 – Pop-up-Pizzaria

UPDATE - ok so it is Saturday morning; Baker 1 and Baker 2 are to be honest super tired; the pizza boxes are in Wimborne, the ingredients are un-purchased; the dough needs preparing; and we have no orders. We think you're trying to tell us something - go sleep, buy a car, and bake a… Continue reading [Cancelled] Event 17/03/12 – Pop-up-Pizzaria